Friday, December 19, 2014

Don't Blink...

Today I completed my very first semester at Kansas State University, and I am not quite sure how that is possible. These 15 weeks have flown by faster than what seems like just 15 days is supposed to. Although I guess I should not be too surprised, as the old saying does go something like, "Time flies when you are having fun!" I cannot remember the last time I had considered school "fun" before K-State, but I am so glad I can call it fun now!

This semester I have made the best friends I could have ever asked for, joined amazing organizations full of people with the same passions as I, lived halfway across the county experiencing a whole different way of life, took classes I am truly interested in, and was really truly happy the entire time. They say in college that you are going to meet people who walk though life the same way as you, and  I can confirm that this could not be more true. The friends I have made here are already people who you would think I have known forever, and for that I am truly blessed. We came from completely different backgrounds and states, but together we are one in the same.
Celebrated my 19th birthday with the "bestest"friends ever!

My first winter in the Little Apple was not complete without carriage rides! :)

This month I was also installed as the 2015 Public Relations Coordinator for the Kansas State University Agricultural Education Club. I am so excited to be a part of this organization with a leadership role, and cannot wait to work with this team full of passionate AgEd majors!
AgEd Leadership Team 2015
And as if this month wasn't crazy enough, I also flew back home for a short 4 day trip back to Los Banos to serve as Miss May Day in our annual Christmas Parade! Serving as Miss May Day is such an honor, and I could not be more proud to participate in a parade near and dear to our communities heart. It was also so great to be reunited with family back home, and I am so excited to be able to spend a month back home now that I remember what it is like to live in complete craziness! ;)


After this crazy month, I came back to campus to finish off my finals. A couple exams, several papers, and a few projects made for a "fun" finish!

So yes, I guess you can say if I learned one thing this semester, and this month in particular, it would be to blink as little as possible... because you might just miss a life changing opportunity.

Living a life of purple, passion, progress, and purpose,

Kaitlyn Alanis 

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