Without looking at the past, it is hard to learn from the obstacles, relationships, challenges, and amazing moments which occurred. Without looking towards the future, we lose an opportunity to create goals which would better not just ourselves but those we surround ourselves with. So make the cheesy flipagrams and collages (personally I love them!), promise to order yourself more pizza deliveries (we only live once, right?), and make some resolutions (if anyone could stick to that goal, it would be you!)
For me, I love reflecting on my last semester of high school where I raised and showed my last goat as an FFA member, was crowned as Miss May Day, retired from my last FFA officer position, graduated from high school, and walked across the stage at Loftin Stadium. A whole lot of lasts happened during the first half of this year, but they are memories that will last a lifetime.
But this year was not just home to a bunch of lasts. A whole lot of firsts happened this second half of the year. From spending six weeks of my summer at Kansas State University, moving to Kansas, living on my own, meeting so many new people who have become really close friends, joining Sigma Alpha, being selected as a Student Governing Association Intern, and being slated the 2015 Ag Ed Club Public Relations Officer, there is so much to be proud of and reflect on.
It is these memories that remind us who we are, what we live for, and where we will devote our time and passions. It is also these memories which help us decide where we would like to improve within the next year. So I only find it fitting to post my top 5 resolutions for the new year as well:
1. Hear my alarm.
1a. Wake up when the alarm goes off (my roommate will appreciate this one!)
1b. Do not press snooze (consciously or subconsciously)
2. Continue to step out of my comfort zone, that is where the great stuff happens! (thank you to my K-State orientation leader for giving us that quote!)
3. Have coffee or hang out with someone I do not normally hang out with at least once a month... new friendships have so much to offer :)
4. Keep in touch with older friends... mail more letters, post happy birthdays, the occasional text or phone call. Old friends are important too!
5. Write 2-3 blog posts each month.
So post your resolutions and your reflections for everyone to see! Create, share, and encourage! Our resolutions do not have to turn into duds and our reflections hold some of our greatest memories.
Living a life of purple, passion, progress, and purpose,
Kaitlyn Alanis