"The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose." This quote perfectly describes my attitude towards life, and being as busy as I have been lately, there is no greater feeling than realizing the life I am living has been a life of purpose. A purpose to serve, a purpose to advocate, a purpose to teach, a purpose to love, and a purpose to lead. And this purpose is fulfilled with sisterhood, friendships, and family. I have recently come to realize life becomes so much more purposeful and meaningful when you are not just worried about building a resume, but rather building to become a better person, who in turn helps build a better school, community, and life through serving what you are passionate about.
Serving as a SGA (Student Governing Association) intern has been a position filled with purpose. As an intern we have a purpose to serve on committees, write and present legislation, and speak up and debate at senate meetings to help make K-State even greater for the students and faculty. In early October, I had the opportunity to write and read my first piece of legislation to the senate. This legislation was through the College Allocations Committee, and we were proposing to allocate money to the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), which would allow them to travel to a Oil Show which helps promote learning not just inside the classroom, but outside as well. This was passed, and I was so proud to have been even just a small factor in helping these SPE students gain even more experience throughout their college career.
Reading my legislation to the senate |
I am also a Housing & Leadership Scholarship Recipient (HLS), and have had opportunities to meet with my other HLS members. Together, we have a purpose of leading and influencing in a positive way on campus, while all holding at least one leadership position within our residence halls.
HLS Recipients on "Top of the World" Hill |
In addition, as part of the K-State Agricultural Education Club as well as by being an AgEd major, I have a purpose of promoting agricultural literacy and supporting agricultural education organizations such as FFA, 4-H, and research & extension projects. Just this week I was able to attend two Kansas FFA Leadership Schools (which is where they host their opening/closing ceremonies or ritual contests, parliamentary procedure contests, as well as their FFA information tests), where myself and a few other AgEd majors were recruiting potential students to be "tAGgED to teach ag!" This is a very rewarding experience for me, as we are in a desperate need for more agricultural education instructors to "fill the boots", and FFA members have so much potential to do so. Educating my communities about agricultural education is a purpose I hold very near and dear to my heart.
Throughout Sigma Alpha I have been able to make so many new friends, and now sisters, who hold the same passion for agriculture such as myself. We all hold a purpose to support and promote agricultural literacy, and our national platform is Ag. in the Classroom.
Sigma Alpha Activation!
"Only the best have the heart of the bull."
Sigma Alpha Sisters and my AgEd family
at Sigma Alpha Family Day. |
These two lovely ladies were first my hall mates,
then my friends, and now my sisters.
Could not have been more blessed! |
College of Ag Barn Dance with my sisters! |
Big&Little love! So fortunate to have Alicia as my big,
she was one of the first AgEd majors I met,
and a strong reason I rushed Sigma Alpha! :) |
Sigma Alpha sisters at the pumpkin patch! |
I am so blessed to have so many opportunities at K-State to live a life of purpose, and cannot imagine living my life any other way. Throughout these first few months of college I have been challenged by limiting the amount of organizations I get involved with due to time constraints, but in doing so I have discovered my true passions, and how I create my life of purpose. What is your purpose?
Living a life of purple, passion, progress, and purpose,
Kaitlyn Alanis